Saturday, August 19, 2006

Veritable Smorgasbord

Just to counter what might be considered a "heavy" posting (Just for the record...) I wanted to let y'all in on the fact that somewhere between finishing class this summer and now, I've mentally retreated back into the mind of my childhood and pre-teen years. Like I've posted earlier, I've become a total Potter-holic (no, not a pot-aholic, Harry Potter), and I've been reading books that I passed over as a child like A Wrinkle in Time, The Giver, The Chosen, and a whole host of others. They are really great reads, and even though categorized as 'Children's Lit' they offer A LOT to the adult reader as well.

That's not where it ends. I've also rediscovered some of my all time favorite movies from my childhood, one being the cartoon based on the Newberry Honor Book Charlotte's Web. That has some CLASSIC characters, songs and even some nice lessons. Templeton the rat is just as hilarious at 27 as he was at age 5. And the Goose/Templeton song is just as engaging and ridiculous as I remembered it. Just in case you need a little reminding, this is how their anthem to junk food goes. Don't hold back, just find that inner 8 year old and sing along!

A Veritable Smorgasbord

A fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord
After the crowds have ceased
Each night when the lights go out
It can be found on the ground all around
Oh, what a ratly feast!

Melon rinds and bits of hotdogs
Cookie crumbs and rotton cotton candy
Melted ice cream, mustard dripplings
Moldy goodies everywhere

Lots of popcorn, apple cores
Bananna peels and soggy sadwiches
And gobs of gorgeous gook to gobble at the fair

A fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord
After the gates are shut
Each night when the lights go out
It can be found on the ground all around
That's where a rat can glut, glut, glut, glut!

Love me some Charlotte's Web.


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