Sunday, August 13, 2006

Down with the slum lords

Not that I have ever truly slummed it (except for a three month period in Tirana, Albania during my mission), and I was damned if I was going to start at the age of 27. My cousin Jared, affectionately known as J-Rod, Jerry Farm, Jared-Angel, Jer-bear, and JARED (to be screamed with frustration and fault), and I hopped in his new Honda and made our way up I-15 and then over on I-90 to Seattle for a quick weekend of apartment hunting. And hunting it was. I came prepared with about 20 leads, all of which came crashing down on me in the first 20 minutes of my search. Things go fast in the leasing world, especially when the availability is numbered and the demand is high (and that, my friends, is about as economically minded as you will EVER hear/read from me). Needless to say, it is currently a RENTERS market in Seattle.

After many hours of walking through mice infested, insect ridden, and CRAPPED ON THE FLOOR apartments (no joke), I found a place that was in my budget, close to the school, clean and quiet.



Bathroom-just so all y'all won't be scared to poop at my place

Living Room

Now, just remember that you have to ENVISION the place furnished with my things--so yeah, this will pretty much be what it looks like, since I have close to nothing :)

I'm pleased as punch with it. I actually have underground covered parking, and the building has an elevator. I'm on the top floor (4th), and have a nice view of the University Neighborhood and a partial view of Lake Union.

So, now that you've seen the place....COME AND VISIT!!! (after Sept. 8th)

Oh, and here's a picture of J-Rod and D-Rock visiting Mount St. Helen's. Amazing trip, I would really recommend it to anybody who plans on driving north on I-5 from Portland.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yes...I will be visiting...

9:47 PM  

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