Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Same time, next year?

I know, I know....I'm lame. I mean, who really waits over a YEAR to post on their own blog? Especially the blog that was meant to "reconnect with out of touch loved ones"! I know you're throwing mind daggers at me right now which I --OUCH!-- good aim! In all honesty, there have been literally MONTHS where I didn't even think of posting, and then a whole lot of other months where I thought of it, but maybe decided to see what was on VH1 instead. I can't get any lamer. In my defense, I started this when I lived in some other apartments, alone, and with an internet connection. Since that time I have moved into DATE NIGHT CENTRAL with good friends Jed and Hessica, and am now living at home with the parents. More on that later.

But, what I really wanted to share with you is how funny and how even more fitting my blog title has become in the past year. When I named it long ago, I was going for something shocking, unique and mostly for people to scratch their heads and say, WTF? Ironically, swallowing has been a huge focus for me this year at school, or to be even more specific--the inability to swallow efficiently. This disorder is called DYSPHAGIA and is an aread of study and practice that I will be working on for the next three years in grad school. Seriously, it's going to be just about the biggest aspect of my job once all is said and done. So, I offer you a new way to interepret my recently resurrected, very inconsistent and somewhat sporadic blog "to swallow..."

Much more to come!

Oh, and this one's for Kevin & Trixi-
girl. :)


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