Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Things that make me feel...

SAD....getting a Hep B booster, Tetanus Booster, Varicella Titer, and TB skin test all in the same arm.

HAPPY...getting an email from my professor letting all his grad students know that class has been cancelled tomorrow due to an unforeseen obligation to which he must attend.

The reason this makes me happy (albeit temporarily, because you always know that when teachers miss class, they feel even more inclined to dampen our gleeful spirits by clarifying to the class that we will be still tested on what was supposed to be covered, regardless if they get around to lecturing on it or not) is because I have to be at school Monday through Friday by 8:30 or 9:00 AM. Now, I know that some of my gentle readers will see this and respond in emails saying, "Oh poor D-Rock, who has to get up in the morning with the rest of the working world". But allow me to remind you that I am PAYING to do this, not being PAID. You all have paychecks to help you get over the misery of waking up and beating the sun to the face of the freezing earth. I just have interest accruing student loans, which strangely enough offer no real comfort.

And while I'm complaining about my schedule, may I make a suggestion by way of academic law proposal? What's so wrong with mandating that all Med SLP students who are found in the clinic or Eagleson Hall before the hour of 10 be severely punished for their contemptible infringement of a newly fashioned "A.M. Productivity Intolerance" deptartment policy? I would pledge to uphold such an initiative and certainly would not be found to be a perpetrator of such heinous activities against it.

So, tomorrow morning, I will not be waking up to my alarm clock. Don't get me wrong, I'll still be rudely awakened at 6:15 sharp when the guy on the other side of the block revs up his mufflerly-challenged motorcycle for one minute (which interestingly enough turns out to be the LONGEST minute of my day). It's just that after my heart stops pounding out of my chest and calms to a normal beat, I'll be able close my eyes knowing that I can fall back asleep and let my body take over and wake me up when it wants to. Which will undoubtedly be 7:30. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I have to say is...the weekend is never far.....

1:12 PM  
Blogger D-Rock said...

Exactly...two days of guilt free sleepage time!

6:50 PM  

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