Thursday, September 14, 2006

Seattle realizations and things learned

1. It's already fall here, no more last warm days in the 80s
2. Pasty skin is in (the jury is still out on how I feel about that)
3. Buildings here are built in warm colors (tans, browns, deep reds, etc.) to keep the soul inspired during the grey months of winter
4. Food costs considerably more here that in Salt Lake.
5. Everyone bikes, EVERYONE. I need one.
6. I live near the Seattle Peace Park which displays a statue of Sadako, and also has a Public Peace Garden which is right next to my building. Very serene.
7. People like their socks and sandals. Barf.
8. Sometimes I think I'm the 21 year old I see on University Ave, but I'm not. I'm the 27 year old.
9. Seattle-ites like their garage door openers....seriously! Just like they show in the movie "Singles". If you have a parking spot, you've got in made.
10. Caffeine isn't just a nice thing to consume in the morning, it's a city-wide pastime.
11. I'm going to be very wet.

This and a million other thoughts have been floating around in my mind, just thought I'd share. a


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