Monday, November 20, 2006

A turn of events...

As you may have noticed, I have been somewhat quiet with my blogging lately, mainly due to a trend observed in my professors of assigning lots of long and tedious assignments right before the Thanksgiving Break. I was actually thinking about a new blog topic on Saturday as I was baking my first ever green-bean casserole. I volunteered to make it for Thanksgiving dinner at the Grittners (school friends) and decided that I needed to give the dish a try before I have other people ingest comfort food which could potentially turn out to be anything by "comfortable". My thoughts started wandering towards the realization that pretty much everything I eat at home is served in a bowl. I am constantly washing and re-washing my four bowls that I brought to Seattle, and rarely use my plates. I figured that I could have a lot of fun with this idea and elaborate it into a long and creative blog that would make people grin over the holiday weekend. But alas, my plans were thwarted today as I walked out of my elevator into the parking garage only to find that...


&%$#!)&#%@!^*%@$! (insert favored explitive here)

As in not there....gone!
Sayonara! (which is somewhat appropriate because I drive drove a Nissan)

Yep, I am now one of the 10,000 annual car thefts which occur annually in Seattle. Apparently being locked and parked behind an electric gate is not a big enough deterrent against property theft these days. This city requires more of their fair drivers. In fact as it turns out, Seattle, as I have just recently come to find, is also the land of The Club, of which I had none for my car. Damn.

I find the whole situation a bit funny, to be quite honest. First of all....HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAR? I mean, have you taken a really good look at my car? It's a 1993 Nissan Sentra (yes, I realize that there could be people reading this blog at this very moment who have no recollection of that year, either because they were too young or weren't even born yet) still in all of its 90s glory including:

1. Automatic seatlbelts and lap-belts that have actually been shown to be quite undependable when the going gets rough.
2. A TAPE deck that enjoys chewing up cassette tapes to oblivion. Yes you did just indeed read the words "tape deck" and "cassette tape"
3. Manual windows
4. Manual locks (on all four doors)
5. Manual transmission
6. Manual radio tuner and temperature controls
6. Car manuals (I was kind of on a roll there for a sec)

Luckily nothing in my car was of great value to me, although I am somewhat embarrassed to think of the state that I left my car in. Those of you who know me well, know that I pay the absolute minimum amount of attention to my car as I possibly can. That's why on the backseat floor of the car you'll find:

Lots and lots of loose papers including American Red Cross Brochures, Laminated CPR and Rescue Breathing technique easy references, flip flops, water bottles, old bottles of tanning oil, and lots of other junk, empty Orbit Gum containers, paper cups, receipts galore, a host of programs from Ballet West, Utah Sypmhony and Utah Opera, and basically anything that I was too lazy to take out of my car and put in the recycling bin (which is a lot...kind of scary to think about). I'm without a car, which doesn't put a huge cramp in my style, since I usually take the car to the grocery store or to Belltown when driving to Jackie's house on Thursday night to watch Grey's Anatomy. I really don't use my car too much, but even so, it really sucks to know that it's been stolen, and right from underneath me.


So, if you see me on the street with six bags of groceries in hand and I look like a drowned rat because I've managed to let a gigantic semi splash me with the dirty water of the ONLY puddle within 100 yards of sight (true story), could you take a little pity on me and offer me a ride (after you've laughed you a** off, of course)?

Oh, and yes, be expecting this blog to follow this sort of theme for the next little while. As sad and inconvenient as this may be on my life, it's providing me with TONS of stuff to write and complain about. And fortunately...YOU get to read about it!


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